Below you’ll find a step-by-step guide to help you set up your first Hub on Nina.

Creating your Hub

  1. Go to and connect your wallet (top right).

  2. Fill out Hub Form

    hub_sign_up_gif_2 (1).gif

    1. Handle
      1. This is your Hub’s permanent identifier.
    2. Display Name
      1. You can change your display name at any time.
    3. Description
      1. Share some info on what other users should know about you and how you use your Hub.
    4. Visuals
      1. Add an image as your hub’s logo, and change your background/text colors. Note: image must be square.
    5. Fund your Upload Account
      1. Here you pay for storage space—via Arweave—of the music you publish though your hub. Start funding your account with .02Sol. You can always add more storage space in the hubs dashboard.
    6. Create Hub
      1. Once you’ve funded your account, it’s time to create your hub. Click “Confirm and Create Hub” and click approve on your wallet when prompted.

Setting up your Hub

After completing the creation flow, your new hub will look like this:

Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 4.55.13 PM.png

  1. Access Dashboard
    1. As the creator of your Hub, you’ll have access to a dashboard where you can manage the music, posts and collaborators on your Hub. The dashboard tab is in the top right corner, next to your wallet ID.
  2. Fill up your upload account
    1. The first step of setting up your Hub is adding funds to your Bundlr. Click on “Manage Upload Account” where you can deposit SOL to your Bundlr account to cover the storage costs of Nina releases you publish or repost to your Hub. Your releases are stored permanently on the Arweave blockchain with a low-cost one-time fee. Simply input how much SOL you want to deposit, click “Fund”, and approve the transaction prompt in your Solana wallet. You can also withdraw your funds if needed. We suggest starting with a .05 Sol deposit.
  3. Adding collaborators & permission
    1. Next, click “Collaborators”, where you can choose to add collaborators to your Hub so that they can access the Hub dashboard and add manage the Hub based on the permissions you share.

    2. On the left you’ll find the following 4 fields when you click the “Collaborators” tab in your dashboard.

      hub collaborator flow.gif

      1. Collaborator
        1. In the “Collaborator” field, you input the Solana wallet address for the collaborator you want to add.
      2. Can Add Releases / Posts
        1. Click the checkbox if you want the person at that Solana wallet address to be able to publish or repost music to the Hub.
      3. Can Add Collaborators
        1. Click the checkbox if you want the person at that Solana wallet address to be able to add other collaborators to the Hub.
      4. Allowance
        1. You can set an allowance, which indicates how many releases that collaborator can add to the Hub. If you don’t want to restrict their allowance, just select the “Unlimited” check box.
    3. Once you’ve filled out the above information, click “Add Collaborator” and accept the transactions in you wallet.

    4. After your transaction has been processed, you will see the collaborator you added on the right side of the screen. You’ll see that next to the wallet you used to create the Hub, a message will appear that says “[wallet id] is this Hub’s authority.” This provenance can not be changed.

Managing your Hub

  1. Publishing Music

    1. To publish new releases through your Hub, click the “Releases” tab. Here you’ll find the standard Nina publishing flow.

    publishing flow.gif

    1. First upload your track audio as an MP3 (lossless coming soon)
    2. Next add your artwork as a JPG or PNG.
    3. Then fill out the release information on the right. Most of these should be familiar - the following may be new to you: “Amount” is the amount of releases you want to make available for fans. “Retail Price” is the cost per release. “Resale Percentage” is what % of the sale price you want to earn in secondary market transactions. Make sure to double check your inputs, as a published release can not be edited.
    4. Once you have, click the publish button on the bottom, and approve the four transaction prompts in your Solana wallet.
  2. Reposting Music

    1. With Hubs, you can repost music from anywhere within the Nina ecosystem. Simply go to a track and click the repost button in the top right corner of the track. Select your Hub and choose whether you want to repost with or without a text post.


  1. Making a Post

    1. Click the “Posts” tab, and “Add a post”. This simple post interface allows you to do three things.
      1. Title your post
      2. Write a message
      3. Tie your post to a release
        1. Whether you want to add a story about your track, let fans know about tour dates, or review a track - referencing releases allows you to create contextual connections for anyone to see.
  2. Removing Releases and Collaborators

    1. Click on the “Manage Hub” tab and select the “X” next to any collaborators or releases/posts you would like to remove from your Hub.

      remove flow.gif

  3. Collecting Your Hub Fees

    1. If you have Publishing Fees, you earn a percentage of every sale of music published through your Hub. If you added a Referral Fee, you earn a percentage of every sale of music reposted to your Hub. To collect these fees, go to Hub overview, and click the blue “collect” button next to tracks with unclaimed fees.

Start Collecting on Nina